Benefits of Routine Chiropractic Care
One of the most frequently asked questions we get at Balance Chiropractic & Wellness Co. is, “why should I continue to go to the chiropractor when I’m not in pain?”
While chiropractic is a game-changer to those who are experiencing neck pain, back pain, wrist pain, etc. - the real benefits of chiropractic care happen in the nervous system. The role of the chiropractor is to address the nervous system (your brain, nerves, spinal cord) through the chiropractic adjustment.
Your nervous system controls every muscle, cell, organ and fiber in your body. Your brain, the real commander of your body, communicates with the rest of the body through the spinal cord. The spinal cord branches out into individual nerves that are responsible for moving your arms, moving your legs, expanding and contracting your lungs, and so much more. Your spinal cord is encased by your spine. Your spine is covered by muscle tissue.
So where does the chiropractor come in?
Well, every day things happen that can cause a disruption to your nervous system function. Something as small as tripping over a curb can cause a small change to your gait pattern, which can in turn cause spinal misalignments. Those spinal misalignments make it difficult for the brain to communicate using the spinal cord. When that happens, the nerves can’t function at their best. When the nerves stop functioning optimally, a lot of issues arise in the body - some of which you may not be able to feel.
The job of the chiropractor is to find those spinal misalignments and correct them using the chiropractic adjustment. The adjustment corrects the alignment, which in turn facilitates proper nervous system function - which allows for the body to move better, feel better, and perform better.
Routine chiropractic care allows for spinal misalignments to be corrected BEFORE they cause long-term havoc on your body. Getting your spine checked regularly can prevent pain from happening in the first place.
If you have any questions about the benefits of routine chiropractic care, schedule a free consultation call with Dr. Zoe today!