Why Your Dog NEEDS Chiropractic Care

Whether they’re a young pup or a senior pup, all dogs can benefit from chiropractic care. Animal chiropractic focuses on finding the root cause of your dog’s issues and correcting them at the source - the nervous system. An IVCA or AVCA certified animal chiropractor is extensively trained in addressing nervous system health in pets through a comprehensive analysis and correcting dysfunction using the chiropractic adjustment.

So why does your dog need chiropractic care?

To have proper nervous system function. Proper nervous system function leads to moving better, feeling better, and overall better quality of life. It’s that simple.

Animal chiropractors are the experts in nervous system health in animals. The chiropractic adjustment helps facilitate healing throughout the entire body to promote overall wellness in your pet. Some reasons that people seek care for their pet include:

  • Joint pain

  • Hip dysplasia

  • Disc injuries

  • Low back pain

  • Limping

  • Unable to jump on the bed

  • Allergies

  • Digestive issues

  • Hunched posture

  • Unable to go for long walks

  • Dizziness

  • and more!

Want to know more about it? Book a free consultation call with Dr. Zoe using this link:



Animal Chiropractic in Jacksonville, FL


Choosing the Right Chiropractor for You in Jacksonville, FL